The “.”-Style Key Notation

To access nested item, e.g.,

config = ResConfig({"hosts": {"localhost": {"user": "John"}}})

you may use the “.”-style notation, so that


will print John.

Similarly, the same style can be used when supplying a dict-like object to ResConfig:

config = ResConfig({"hosts.localhost.user": "John"})

This will set exactly the same default configuration as the one above.


Question: What if the key includes one of more “.” characters? It is quite common for us to see configuration with IP addresses like this:

config = ResConfig(
    {"hosts": {"": {"user": "John"}}}

Will this configuration be butchers into a mess like this?

{"hosts": {"127": {"0": {"0": {"1": {"user": "John"}}}}}}

Is this the end of the world?

Answer: Indeed, if you write the nested key like this,

config = ResConfig({"hosts.": "John"})

the mess you mentioned will ensue. In order to avoid period to be interpreted as delimiter, you will need to escape them, e.g.,

config = ResConfig({"hosts.127\.0\.0\.1.user": "John"})

This way, they will not be interpret as nested keys:

{"hosts": {"127\.0\.0\.1": {"user": "John"}}}

Unfortunately, they need to be escaped all the time. For this reason, it is strongly recommended to use “.” only as the delimiter for nested keys, not as part of a key. While the end may not be near, this makes the world a bit messier place to be.