Configuration from Files

ResConfig understands INI (.ini), JSON (.json), TOML (.toml), and YAML (.yaml or .yml). If not given, the file format is inferred from these filename extensions. The filename with no extension is assumed to be of INI.

Merge Behavior

When multiple files are supplied, ResConfig handles them in two different ways, depending on the merge_config_files switch. When True, all existing files are read, but merging will be in the reverse of the input file list. For example, in the following case,

config = ResConfig(config_files=["myconf.yml",

the configurations read from these files are merged in the following order: /etc/myconf.yml, ~/.myconf.yml, and myconf.yml. This effectively allows overriding configuration based on environment, i.e., personal configuration has a higher precedence to the system configuration in this example, typical of UNIX-like systems.

When False, only the first existing file will be read. For example, suppose that ~/.myconf.yml and /etc/myconf.yml exist but not myconf.yml. Then

config = ResConfig(config_files=["myconf.yml",

will read only from ~/.myconf.yml. ResCongif skips myconf.yml and ignores /etc/myconf.yml.

The default behavior is merge_config_files=True.

In general, non-existing files are simply skipped without throwing errors.

The “~” character in file paths will be expanded to the path defined in the HOME environment variable.

File Types

ResConfig understands the following file formats:

  • INI (.ini)

  • JSON (.json)

  • TOML (.toml)

  • YAML (.yaml or .yml)

with the given filename extensions.

By default, a filename without extension is assumed to be of INI type. If you wish to explicitly specify file type, you may do so using a ConfigPath subclass as follows:

from import YAMLPath

config = ResConfig(config_files=[YAMLPath("myconf"),

This way, all the files are considered to be of YAML type, regardless of extension. ResConfig supplies INIPath, JSONPath, TOMLPath, and YAMLPath for this purpose.